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Beranda » Kantor & Industri » Jual PROCEQ Equotip 550 Leeb D Hardness Tester#081289854242

Jual PROCEQ Equotip 550 Leeb D Hardness Tester#081289854242

P Iklan ini diterbitkan pada: 20 September 2023 , Kategori:

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Deskripsi ] Jual PROCEQ Equotip 550 Leeb D Hardness Tester#081289854242

The Equotip 550 is the most versatile all-in-one solution for portable hardness testing. The Leeb hardness principle is based on the dynamic (rebound) method and is best suited for on-site testing of heavy, large or already installed parts.

In combination with the Equotip Portable Rockwell Probe, the Equotip 550 can be extended with the traditional Rockwell static test method. This additionally allows automatic on-site correlation of Leeb to Portable Rockwell true indention hardness value.

The new generation Equotip Touchscreen interface is specifically designed to provide an exceptional user experience. The enhanced software provides interactive wizards, automatic verification processes, personalization options and custom report functions. Furthermore, it is compatible with upcoming developments.
The full color display allows best possible measuring and analysis of the measured data. The specially designed housing optimizes the on-site usage of the device in harsh environments.

To date, Proceq’s Equotip has become established as a globally recognized measuring technique and a de facto industry standard. The Equotip devices fully meet the demand for non-destructive hardness testing in a broad range of industries.

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Equotip Leeb
Automatic conversions to all common hardness scales (HV, HB, HRC, HRB, HRA, HS, Rm) as required
Highly accurate ± 4 HL (0.5% at 800 HL) with automatic correction for impact directions
Wide measurement range with a variety of impact devices and support rings to serve most hardness testing requirements
Extensive range of precise hardness test blocks available for each impact device with different hardness levels for regular verification

Equotip 550 Touchscreen Unit
Modular concept: Flexible configuration for various industry applications with a wide range of probes and accessories
Combined method: Automatic on-site correlation of Leeb to Portable Rockwell true indention hardness value
Guiding wizards: Predefined workflows to increase process reliability and to improve measurement precision
Automatic verification: Step by step verification in line with ISO 16859 and ASTM A956
Interactive guides: On-screen notifications to obtain the most relevant settings for your application
Conversion curves: Create, edit and verify material conversion curves directly on the instrument
Custom reports: Modular generator allows customized measurement reports
Automation option: Integration of NDT automation into quality management systems and automated testing environments
Housing specially designed to be used on-site in harsh environments (IP 54), including carrying strap, integrated stand and sunshield cover
High resolution color display
Battery lifetime of > 8h
8 GB Flash memory
Dual core processor supporting diverse communication and peripheral interfaces: Probe Connector, USB Host, USB Device and Ethernet
Future proof investment through direct compatibility with upcoming developments

Display    7” color display 800×480 pixels
Memory    Internal 8 GB Flash memory (up to 1’000’000 measurements)
Regional settings    Metric and Imperial units, multi-language and timezone supported
Battery    Lithium Polymer, 3.6 V, 14.0 Ah
Battery lifetime    > 8h (in standard operating mode)
Power input
12 V +/-25 % / 1.5 A
Weight (of display device)    about 1525 g (incl. Battery)
Dimensions    250 x 162 x 62 mm
Max. altitude    2’500 m above sea level
Humidity    < 95 % RH, non condensing
Operating temperature    0°C to 30°C (32 to 86°F) (Charging, running instrument)
0°C to 40°C (32 to 104°F) (Charging, instrument is off)
-10°C to 50°C (14 to 122°F) (Non-charging)
Environment    Suitable for indoor & outdoor use
IP classification    IP 54
Pollution degree    2
Installation category    2

Equotip Leeb Impact Devices:
Measuring range    1-999 HL
Measuring accuracy    ± 4 HL (0.5 % at 800 HL)
Resolution    1 HL; 1 HV; 1 HB; 0.1 HRA; 0.1 HRB; 0.1 HRC; 0.1 HS; 1 MPa (N/mm2)
Impact direction    Automatic compensation (excl. DL probe)
Impact energy
11.5 Nmm for D, DC, E, S probes
11.1 Nmm for DL probe
3.0 Nmm for C probe
90.0 Nmm for G probe
Mass of impact body
5.45 g (0.2 ounces) for D, DC, E, S probes
7.25 g (0.26 ounces) for DL probe
3.10 g (0.11 ounces) for C probe
20.0 g (0.71 ounces) for G probe
Ball indenter
Tungsten carbide, 3.0 mm (0.12“) diameter for C, D, DC probes
Tungsten carbide, 2.78 mm (0.11“) diameter for DL probe
Tungsten carbide, 5.0 mm (0.2“) diameter for G probe
Ceramics, 3.0 mm (0.12”) diameter for S probe
Polycrystalline diamond, 3.0 mm (0.12”) diameter for E probe
Operating temperature    –10˚C to 50˚C (14 to 122°F)

Equotip 550 Leeb D consisting of Equotip Touchscreen incl. Battery, Equotip Basic Leeb Impact Device D, Impact Body D, Support Rings (D6,D6a), Cleaning Brush, Impact Device Cable, Test Block ~775 HLD / ~56 HRC, Coupling Paste, Power Supply, USB-Cable, Surface Roughness Comparator Plate, DVD with Software, documentation, Carrying Strap and Carrying Case


Jl.H.Sapri No.123 Pondok Aren Tangerang Selatan 15224

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Telepon    : (+62) 21 – 2756 4609
WhatsApp : 0812 8985 4242 – 0817 675 5161

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